الثلاثاء، 29 ديسمبر 2009

7amza yusuf

الجملة دي قالها الشيخ حمزه في مؤتمر في تورونتو و اعتقد كان يقصد بيها حوار اوباما ده كله
the more things change.....the more they stay the same الحمدلله"
حبيبي يا حمزه انت اللي فاهمهم ;)

هناك تعليقان (2):

  1. :)
    Despite being unliked by some people Hamza Yusuf still will be one of my favorite lecturer/scholar
    let's just say I enjoy listening to him :)

    bass say3a el gomla di..di kanet fi ISNA?

    you have a link to it?

  2. it was somewhere in canada......it was on youtube but the vid was removed :(
    i think the vid was entitled(walking on water...jesus...) something like that msh fkra walahy ......ana kaman b7bo ya ret fee menno 3ndna f masr
